
Evelyn Bencicova, Arielle Esther, Joris Demnard, Artificial Tears, 2019

01. Juli 2021
18.00 Uhr
Resonanz der Realitäten
POSTPONED – Curator’s tour and Artist Talk with Evelyn Bencicova

Short curator’s tour of the exhibition Resonant Realities with Tina Sauerlaender. She introduces the works and installations of the artists Banz & Bowinkel, Evelyn Bencicova, Patricia Detmering, Armin Keplinger and Lauren Moffatt. Afterwards, the curator speaks with the artist Evelyn Bencicova about her installation and VR experience Artificial Tears (in cooperation with Arielle Esther and Joris Demnard (Ikonospace) and about her artistic practice.

(in English)


Online via Zoom

Link for registration

Link to the exhibition