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Eröffnung 22. Juni, 19 Uhr
Margret Eicher
Adi Hoesle
Isabel Kerkermeier
Stefan Römer
Heidi Sill
Susanne Wehr
Toni Wirthmüller
Ein Schwerpunkt der Ausstellung ist ein Vortragsprogramm, das eine neue theoretische Auseinandersetzung mit der künstlerischen Aneignung auf zeitgenössische Aspekte hin überprüft, mit Beiträgen von: Wolfgang Ullrich, Kerstin Stakemeier, Cornelia Sollfrank, Stephan Berg und Hanna Magauer.
Opening: June 22, 2018, 7 pm
Featured Artists:
Margret Eicher
Adi Hoesle
Isabel Kerkermeier
Stefan Römer
Heidi Sill
Susanne Wehr
Toni Wirthmüller
In art, “appropriation“ signifies an artistic action of “confiscation“. Appropriation Art around 1980 marked a fundamental difference to the meaning of appropriation in modern times. Afterwards, post-modern appropriation was not understood as “mimetic imitation”, but as an (often photo-technical) artistic process of copying or reproducing, in which an object (whether visual, physical or theoretical,) inclusive of its reception-history, is medially appropriated. In the exhilarated present that is forgetful of history, a certain arbitrariness towards the definition of appropriation seems to reappear. In this contemporary diversity, parallel approaches to pre-modernism, modernism and post-modernism are applied. The seven featured artists engage with these themes in various ways in their exhibition at Haus am Lützowplatz.
One key aspect of the exhibition is a lecture program revising a new theoretical debate over artistic appropriation within contemporary aspects. The lecture will include contributions by Wolfgang Ulrich, Kerstin Stakemeier, Cornelia Sollfrank, Stephan Berg and Hanna Magauer.
Programm zur Ausstellung
22. Juni 201819.00 Uhr
Pirating Presence – Eine Aneignung der Aneignung 28. Juni 2018
19.00 Uhr
Vortrag mit Wolfgang Ullrich
Pirating Presence – Eine Aneignung der Aneignung 21. Juli 2018
16.00 Uhr
Pirating Presence – Eine Aneignung der Aneignung 28. Juli 2018
16.00 Uhr
Pirating Presence – Eine Aneignung der Aneignung